Our Genesis Children’s Ministry seeks to glorify God by teaching the whole counsel of God to our children. Our curriculum is built around solid biblical teaching.
We recognize that parents are commissioned by God to raise their children in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” To that end, we do not try to usurp a parent’s role, but to come alongside and aid them in this most important task.
We call this ministry “Genesis” for two reasons. First, children are in the beginning, and perhaps most important, phase of learning foundational truth. Second, we take a literal approach to interpreting Genesis. We believe it is important to honor God and equip our children by teaching them such truths as a literal six-day creation, a young earth, and the fact that they are made in God’s image. We believe that not interpreting Genesis at “face value” is akin to teaching children that God’s Word cannot be trusted. It is important for children to know that God’s Word is the source of absolute truth, particularly in the relativistic culture in which we live.
Sunday Children’s Bible Fellowship Classes – 9:00 am *
Sunday mornings at 9:00 am we provide a time of corporate singing for the children as they learn Scripture through song. They are then dismissed into age-appropriate Bible Fellowship classes, for children ages 3 and older.
Junior Spurgeons
Designed for children ages 9-12, these young students meet at 9:00 am as they study “Why We Can Trust God’s Word.”
Sunday Children’s Question & Children’s Church – 10:45 am *
During the Second Worship Service, a short discussion in the front of the sanctuary with young children allows them to learn about God in a traditional worship service setting. Bible study materials will provide parents and children with additional information to prepare for and elaborate upon these questions and answers.
The children then dismiss to either join their family for the remainder of the service, or worship in one of our age-appropriate Children’s Church classes for further study of God’s Word while the parents remain in the main service.
* Nursery care (for infants and toddlers) is also provided during both the Sunday School & Worship Service hours.
For more information please Contact Us
If you would like to begin serving with this ministry, please download the Children’s Ministry Screening Form, complete it and deliver to one of our elders in a sealed envelope.