Our Bible Fellowship Classes seek to glorify God by helping equip each believer to serve their Lord in the local body (Ephesians 4:12). As is the case with all our classes, these Equip class materials are based on the Word of God. Each class goes through a different series, such as an expositional study of a book of the Bible, or topical studies pertaining to each individual class.
Our young adults, ages 13 and above (junior high and high school), meet at 9:00 am. The purpose of Young Puritans is to teach the Bible and disciple young adults. This class is built upon the Word of God and encouragement to our youth! *Click here for more information about this ministry.
CHARIS College & Career (Adults with children)
Our college and career aged young adults meet at 10:45 am.
*Click here for more information about this ministry.
This class of engaged and young married couples meet at 10:45 am.
*Click here to view our Facebook page (and request access to join the group).
Berean Class (Adults without children)
Our mature saints gather at 10:45 am for inspirational teaching through Biblical Ethics.
Sojourners Class
Adults with children in the home, meet at 9:00 am upstairs near the balcony.