
The first pillar in our missions statement is to Magnify JESUS through worship and the Word. In order to magnify JESUS through worship, we take great care and time in selecting both hymns and praise songs that convey biblical truth. We strive to balance the great hymns of Christianity with the great praise songs of Christianity. We recognize that God is focused on the heart of the worshiper, not the particular style or genre of music. But we strive to balance that with the fact that Jesus said we must worship Him both in “spirit and truth.” Therefore, we do take care and make sure that the words of the songs we sing are biblically accurate.

We also strive to magnify Jesus by preaching and teaching the Word of God accurately. Our leadership believes that one of the greatest problems facing Christianity today is the lack of care taken with the Word of God. We believe in Biblical preaching that will both educate and challenge Christians. Our goal is that when you leave RGBC after the Sunday morning sermon that you take at least two things with you from the sermon:

  1. an accurate understanding of what the text means, and
  2. a way to apply those truths to your life.