Christology for Kids Sunday Question

  1. Is Jesus eternal God?
    Yes, the Bible teaches that Jesus is eternal God. (John 1:1)
  2. Who created Jesus?
    No one created Jesus, the Bible teaches that he is self existent. (Ps. 90:2; Acts 17:24-25)
  3. What do we call Jesus’ existence before His birth?
    We call this the Pre-Existence of Jesus.
  4. How do we know that Jesus is Pre-Existent?
    The Bible teaches that Jesus appears in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. (Gen. 16:7-14; Ex. 3:2; Jud. 2:1-4)
  5. Did Jesus create the world?
    Yes, the Bible teaches that Jesus created the world. (Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2)