…being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit

It was quite a week. Angie saw her first cockroach and even swept up a mummified rat in the house! Steve had dry wall fall on his head and pull a nail out of his shoe. Bob Tucker lost a little hair off the top of his head, eyebrows, and eye lashes when he was burning some wood and a gust of wind had the fire lick up his body once. I had a broken soul…. that is my shoe broke and we tried many venues to “heal this soul” of mine.

We had many laughs together as we worked side by side with a team from Canada. Oh how it blessed us to bind with them in God’s work. There are so many praises, lessons, and struggles that I don’t think I can blog an initial trial momentarily for I am overwhelmed by the work the Lord is doing through His body of believers. This same Spirit that is at work in me is also at work in these Canadians, in Mississippi believers, and in you, my brothers and sisters, and Old Forest Road Baptist Church.

“In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” Ephesians 2: 21-22

How huge is He? He binds us to become be a sanctified place for the Lord to dwell! His Shikinah glory! Thank you for partnering with us with your treasures and time in prayer. We return to you this weekend but it will take weeks to reflect upon such refining lessons we have attained in such a short time. Pray that we are pliable to His continued work in our lives.

Eternally family,
Ann Croteau