2020 Men’s Retreat

Men, join us for another great Annual Men’s Retreat April 3-4!
Our speaker this year is Tim Ice with our focus on the topic of Striving for Purity.  Our fellowship time will be loaded with our annual Chili Challenge, Corn-Hole Tournament, fishing, gun range, hiking and more!

Registration Cost:

$45 for 1 Adult, $40 for Each additional Family member
$40 for 1 Student (16 and older)

Includes campground usage and food.
Please make checks payable to Redeeming Grace Baptist Church and deliver to Charlie Hesse.

Payment is due by Sunday, March 29, 2020.

Location: Camp Tuk-a-way

2262 Craig Creek Rd, Blacksburg, VA 24060


April 31:30pCarpool to depart for Camp Tuk-a-way
 2:30pCarpool to depart for Camp Tuk-a-way
 3:30pCarpool to depart for Camp Tuk-a-way
 4:00pGun range opens
 5:30pCarpool to depart for Camp Tuk-a-way
 6:00pDinner and annual Chili Challenge!
 7:30pEvening Session with speaker Tim Ice
 9:30pCorn-hole Tournament begins
April 47:00aBreakfast (pancakes, eggs, bacon/sausage)
 8:30aMorning Session with speaker Tim Ice
 10:00aRecreation (gun range, sports, fishing, and Corn-hole games)
 1:00pLunch (deli sandwiches and leftover chili)
 2:30pPack up to leave
 4:30p (est)Return to RGBC

General Information:

Bring: Sleeping bag & pillow along with ear protection (for gun range) and fishing rods (for fishing).

RGBC Men’s Chili Challenge:

Bring your crock-pot of chili to be entered into the competition for the title of Chili Master!

Judging done by those enjoying the meal you provide.

You, the MAN, must do more than 50% of the preparation.

Please also bring a note card listed with ingredients used in the chili (to be placed in front of the crock-pot) to avoid any allergy issues.


Please use this online form below to register.


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